Envoyez-moi mon disque perdu (maintenant trouvé)
Envoyez-moi mon disque perdu (maintenant trouvé)
Pensez-vous que nous pourrions avoir votre disque ? Recherchez l'application DZDiscs Lost & Found . Si vous venez de recevoir un SMS et que vous ne savez pas quel disque vous pouvez rechercher dans l'application par votre indicatif régional ou les 3 premiers chiffres de votre numéro de téléphone (après l'indicatif régional).
Les disques perdus et trouvés peuvent être récupérés dans notre magasin de détail de Lawrence, KS ou nous pouvons vous les expédier directement.
DZDiscs hébergera également une boutique éphémère appelée DZDiscO lors du Dynamic Discs Open 2022. Nous y serons du 23 avril au 30 avril. Le DZDiscO est le siège des objets trouvés de l'événement. Vous pouvez y récupérer les disques restants du DDO 2021. Vous n'êtes pas obligé de remplir ce formulaire si vous récupérez votre disque au DiscO.
Easy way to get your discs back. Thank you for the service.
Let me know it came in and then shipped straight to me. Thanks again guys!!
I was ecstatic to get my ace disk back. I assumed it was gone forever because of where it was, but not only was it found. I also got it back fairly quickly. I am very appreciative of what y’all do.
I threw my River (my fave driver) into the pond on Hole 11 during Masters Worlds. A few days later, I received a text from DZ saying they found my disc. Within a few days from that, I received my precious River in the mail and she’s flying like she did before. Thank you, DZ!
I definitely got back 2 of my discs and was able to verify but my name isn’t Benjamin..
These guys even cleaned my discs upon return. Excellent service and I left a tip.
Can’t thank you enough for returning my workhorse Reactor. I thought I’d never see it again. It’s an awesome service y’all provide.
Love these guys, found my disc and shipped it back quickly.
I inly knew dz through returning discs at masters worlds, i didnt even know they sold discs until this year. They are amazing, top notch, and quick!
They have the most reasonable prices! They have become my first place to look!
Greatly appreciate someone going into the water and getting my disc. I did think Worlds did a very poor job communicating this service. Thanks for doing it.